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The magnetic poles or dip poles are computed from all the Gauss coefficients using an iterative method. Magnetic poles derived in this fashion are geographically closer to the experimentally observed poles. Based on the current WMM, the 2020 location of the North Magnetic Pole is 86.50°N and 164.04°E and the South Magnetic Pole is 64.07°S and 135.88°E.
IGRF Pole Locations (1590–2025)
WMM Pole Locations (2020–2025)
164.036 86.502 2020.000
157.690 86.415 2021.000
151.948 86.294 2022.000
146.826 86.146 2023.000
142.293 85.980 2024.000
138.299 85.801 2025.000
135.877 -64.073 2020.000
135.723 -64.025 2021.000
135.569 -63.978 2022.000
135.417 -63.930 2023.000
135.264 -63.883 2024.000
135.113 -63.835 2025.000
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<b>10 commands:</b> M, L, H, V, C, S, Q, T ou A, Z. <br />
<li>M start at x,y</li>
<li>L lineup to x,y</li>
<li>H horizontal line +x</li>
<li>V vertical line +y</li>
<li>Q bezier: attracted by x1,y1 line up x2,y2. ex "M0,0 Q5,5 20,0".</li>
<li>T ou A : A for circle arcs.</li>
<li>Z: and line back to beggining of path (closing path command) </li>
<b>2 coordinates systems:</b>
<li>UPPER case : absolute coordinates.</li>
<li>lower case : relative to previous point.</li>
<!-- This svgs just have historical / explanative values. -->
<h4>Via svg, pattern, and <a href="http://jsfiddle.net/jwrmwxzt/7/">path</a><h4>
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<h4>Via svg, pattern, and rectangles<h4>
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<h4>Via svg, pattern, and d3<h4>
------------ js + d3js
// SVG injection:
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg").attr("id", "d3svg")
.attr("width", 120)
.attr("height", 120);
//Pattern injection
var defs = svg.append("defs")
var pattern = svg.append("pattern")
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//Shape design
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----- css
svg { border : 1px solid #88AAEE; background-color: #FEE; }
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trèfle => c
Carreau => d
coeur => h
pique => s
Valet => j
roi => k
dame => Q
{{Main poker|A|p|K|c|Q|k|S|t|10|p}} fr
{{Main poker|A|s|K|h|Q|d|J|C|10|s}} en