Once your server is configured, install Shaarli:
From release ZIP
To install Shaarli, simply place the files from the latest release .zip archive under your webserver's document root (directly at the document root, or in a subdirectory). Download the shaarli-vX.X.X-full archive to include dependencies.
sudo rsync -avP Shaarli/ /var/www/
From sources
These components are required to build Shaarli:
- Composer to manage third-party PHP dependencies.
- yarn to build frontend dependencies.
- python3-virtualenv to build local HTML documentation.
Clone the repository, either pointing to:
- any tagged release
: the latest tagged releasemaster
: development branch
# clone the branch/tag of your choice
$ git clone -b latest /home/me/Shaarli
# OR download/extract the tar.gz/zip: wget
# enter the directory
$ cd /home/me/Shaarli
# install 3rd-party PHP dependencies
$ composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist
# build frontend static assets
$ make build_frontend
# build translations
$ make translate
# build HTML documentation
$ make htmldoc
# copy the resulting shaarli directory under your webserver's document root
$ rsync -avP /home/me/Shaarli/ /var/www/
Set file permissions
Regardless of the installation method, appropriate file permissions must be set:
sudo chown -R root:www-data /var/www/
sudo chmod -R g+rX /var/www/
sudo chmod -R g+rwX /var/www/{cache/,data/,pagecache/,tmp/}
Using Docker
Finish Installation
Once Shaarli is downloaded and files have been placed at the correct location, open this location your web browser.
Enter basic settings for your Shaarli installation, and it's ready to use!
Congratulations! Your Shaarli is now available at
You can further configure Shaarli, setup Plugins or additional software.